Insight Behavioral Health Associates & Your Electronic Security
Information about your Security and how we exchange documents with you.
In considering the rise of security risks related to online data theft, the complexity of HIPAA requirements and the elevated protections for substance abuse and mental health records - We want to inform you about the great lengths we have taken to protect your data; but also make some suggestions to help you ensure your protected health information stays that way.
How you can protect your data
DO NOT send completed forms or documents through your personal email to any medical provider. An office may send you blank documents, but never return them through email - your email may not be encrypted and secure. For us, please either use the postal mail service, drop documents off at our office, use the Patient portal, or use our online "Virtual waiting room" to return documents to us.
Sending Secure documents through our Virtual Waiting Room
The web based application for our virtual waiting room works by securing an encrypted connection with your web browser. All activities performed during that connection are secure and allows us to: send or receive documents; take a digital photocopy of your drivers license and/or insurance card(s); and obtain signatures for other certain documents - all without the need for additional applications or software.
Sending Documents through our Patient Portal (website)
Sometimes, we use our patient portal to securely complete paperwork or communicate with you (particularly with our telehealth only clients). It can be used for submitting or completing documents, sending questionnaires, or sending messages. Our portal works by us placing a document in your portal - the system alerts you by email that you have a message in the portal (no mental health related information is in the email sent to you) - you then log in to our secure patient portal to access the documents or information we sent you.
What we are doing to protect your data
Insight Behavioral Health Associate's staff and providers are all trained in HIPAA compliance and policies to protect your data. We also participate in ongoing training, with our staff and mental health professionals, to reinforce the importance of your privacy and how to protect it.
Business Associate Agreements (BAA) are in place for every device or service we use that has contact with any patient information - they are bound by the HIPAA privacy rules and are there to ensure the encryption, security, and privacy of your data.