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We typically treat all mental health disorders but may refer you to another provider in the event that an elevated level of advanced treatment is indicated through your assessment. 


For example - a psychologist for psychiatric testing. Psychologists can not prescribe medications, but they can administer tests that help to differentiate and support a diagnosis  - such as ADHD  or other cognitive dysfunctions.


You may also be referred to other providers such as :


  • neuropsychiatrists - for behavioral health dysfunction associated with neurological disorders (which is different from a psychiatrist - however, psychiatrist may also function in this capacity for some patients)  - i.e. dementia, cognitive disorders with neurological dysfunction component(s). 

  • neurologists (for neurological or nerve conduction dysfunction),

  • other providers in the support of your behavioral / mental health.  


We often work in conjunction with the above types of providers  to help in treating different aspects of a neurologically based behavioral / mental health disorders. 



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